

Planning Your Zoom Interview With Abel Personnel

PLANNING YOUR ZOOM INTERVIEW WITH ABEL PERSONNEL Dress For Success Dress professionally as you would for an in-person interview. Wear clothes that are appropriate for your industry and make you feel confident. Turn Off Distractions Turn off notifications and silence your phone to eliminate distractions from social media, email, text, or calls. Use A Computer […]

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Vera and Paul were both on the videoconference with the Abel Personnel recruiter. An initial meeting with two candidates was most unusual. They both appeared to be much younger than the early 60s which could be calculated from the year of their same college graduation date on their resumes. Perhaps a bit of hair coloring […]

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5 SKILLS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER COMMUNICATION : They express their instructions clearly. ACTIVE LISTENING : Lets their team express themselves. Make an effort to understand their point of view. ORGANIZATION : Creates schedule and informational resources for their team. CRITICAL THINKING : Understand their business and team and make rational adjustments based on current […]

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Brandy’s Story: Transformation from Call Center to Accounting Supervisor

The company website announcement, an abridged version that appeared in the local weekly business journal, congratulated Brandy on her promotion to Accounting Supervisor. Many who saw either of those press releases likely thought it was just good company policy to trumpet a new arrival to management when a promotion occurred within. Upon finishing the journal […]

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Gen Z in the Workforce

IT recruitment in Maryland IT Recruitment agency in Lemoyne Recruiters in Harrisburg pa IT Recruitment in Lemoyne pa IT Recruitment Agency IT Recruitment in Harrisburg

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The first time a current or potential client agrees to meet for a meal is often memorable. The person has planned to transition from interacting on a transactional to a personal level. The meeting is the start of growing a business relationship. The first such meal following over two years of teleconferences has gained similar […]

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Super Recruiter To The Rescue to fill an IT job in Harrisburg

Super Recruiter To The Rescue to fill an IT job in Harrisburg Are you Stressed?, Do you need a superhero to fill an IT job? Don’t worry. Melissa Davis is an IT recruiter at Abel Personnel. Feel free to contact her about any IT-related jobs. MELISSA@ABELPERSONNEL.COM 717-761-8111 IT recruitment in Maryland IT Recruitment agency in […]

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I may be sending you my resume. These were the opening words of my call from Julie earlier this week. In the nearly three years that she had been a recruiting specialist at my client, a fast-growing regional CPA firm, Julie’s contacts usually began with a request for resumes, preferably within a few hours. While […]

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The Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process Steps for selecting a new employee :- Preparing: Post the job and develop an ideal candidate profile for Job recruitment. Sourcing : Focus on the Candidate’s experience and make selections for interviewing process. Interviewing : Present a candidate to a client for an interview and collect feedback. Offer : Present the job […]

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I.T. Recruiter in Harrisburg to the rescue

717-561-2222 Harrisburg/East Shore Scottsdale Plaza, 3356 Paxton St. Harrisburg, PA 17111 I’m not sure you can do this one, but would you give it a try? To Abel Personnel’s top IT Recruitment Agency in Harrisburg, Melissa, that was a challenge she’d never decline. The opening was for an IT Business Analyst, requiring a background […]

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