

My Abel Story – Angela Beaverson

I applied to Abel Personnel not knowing what I wanted to do with the next step in my life. I was called to come in and meet with Ruth. I had taken a series of tests & then went over the results with her. She said she had the perfect job for me and she […]

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My Abel Story by Christine Radell

My Abel story began in October of 2018 with an interview, which initially proved easier said than done! My crazy schedule at the time complicated things immensely. Despite that, Chinesa Rahman and Stephen McDaniel went out of their way to accommodate me for an interview. For that, I was extremely grateful! When I arrived for […]

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My Abel Story by DS

Just a little bit about me, I am a mother and a wife, and I came from abroad to the United States to have the American dream. It was hard for me, dealing with some health problems and a special needs son. I quit school and work to stay home to help my son and […]

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My Abel Story By Lachelle Dent

I began working for Abel in 1996, and I was placed at PHEAA. I previously worked for Abel from 1996-2001. I was rehired for another placement at Magellan in 2015 in which I am still currently employed by Abel. I love where I am placed and the team that I work for and with. Through […]

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My Abel Story By Nicole Graby-Cole

My journey with Abel began in early March of 2017. The interviewing processing was a good and interesting one as I also had to go through the assessment for job placement. I was treated very fairly. Hakim and Pat really went to bat for me. They both made a lasting impression in my mind; they […]

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My Abel Story By Jason Albert

It all began in my old high school library several years ago. I work for A+ Teachers and I met many of the staff including Debby Abel who is the president of the company. I thought that it was fantastic to meet her and the others from the top down. The entire staff were very […]

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My Abel Story By Lauren Schultz

I loved working with Abel to find the perfect fit for me. As a transplant from New Jersey, Barb and her team were amazing at ensuring I knew the process, and were fantastic at placing me with my current organization! I remember Barb telling me I would be perfect for a role and she was […]

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My Abel Story By Teresa Heller

My story with Abel began while taking my daily routine walk on the school track.  I was joined by a few classes of students along with their teachers, some of whom I taught in my younger years. They questioned my presence there, so I explained my desire to stay young, plus the fact that I […]

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My Abel Story By Angela Rodriguez

It all started in the summer of 2016. I walked in to do testing and everyone was very friendly and down to earth. I remember being nervous, but Pat was so nice and forthcoming; it was like talking to an aunt. She knew right away were I would fit in. I’ve been at my assignment […]

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My Abel Story By Ardian Demiri

I started in March 2013. Pat was the person who interviewed me. She was really nice and easygoing in explaining the qualifications of the job. She gave a brief description of all of the job duties, making it much easier for me to prepare for my new job. I had multiple medical challenges that I […]

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