For over 55 years Abel Personnel has been providing “Abel People” to small businesses, Fortune 500 Corporations, state and federal government agencies, legal and accounting firms, medical facilities and state-wide trade, professional associations and educational institutions.
Personal attention to both our clients and candidates helps us achieve the best matching of people with positions. Each candidate is personally interviewed, taking time to really understand their goals, interests and skills.
We understand as an employer that when you need staffing help, you and the others on your staff are already under added pressure. We try to make your search as easy as possible. Our goal is to help you find the right employee, while you still take care of business – Your Business!
We welcome the opportunity to work with you.
Over the years Abel Personnel has grown and evolved with the business community. The one thing that has not changed is our commitment to our customers’ success. This is why Abel Personnel has served generations of employers!
Abel Personnel does business as Abel Temps .